If you're in serious need of some serious emergency solar backup power then look no further. Whether you get stuck in a blizzard, power outage, brown out or even if you're camping, The AEB OX Power Plant has you covered. No more need to look at another solar powered generator when you're on need of LOTS of power for MANY hours. You'll be stress free when it comes to power because the Aeb Ox Power Plant provides 3000 watts of monster power. With it's 200 Amp hour battery and its tough deep cell agm battery pack, you'll be in for a safe in a fallout. The Aeb Ox Power Plant Can Power These Items:
Appliance 40 Watt light bulb Lap Top Computer LCD Monitor Internet Modem 20 Cu Ft Refrigerator Wireless Phones Charge Cell Phone 40” LCD Flat Screen TV 13” Portable TV Clock Radio ½ hp Sump Pump 9 Cu Ft Freezer Time up to 50 hours up to 100+ hours up to 40 hours up to 6 days up tp 36 hours 10 days Months up to 4 days up to 3 days up to 10 days up to 5 hours up to 24 hours
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