The Benefits of Going Green
Going green is one of the best things you can do for yourself and Mother Earth. Why? Because it is a lifestyle change that benefits your health and prosperity while keeping our eco-system balanced. It's not easy to change, and often we tend to revert back to old habits without giving a second thought to our initial reasoning. Going green, however, will change that as the benefits far outweigh the means of getting there.
Benefit 1 - Going Green to Save the Planet
Going Green promotes the natural and healthy consumption of products - whether it is food or commodity - that do not destroy the Earth. By using biodegradable, organic, and locally grown items, you can significantly reduce chemical and hazardous manufacturing practices. The common usage of toxic chemicals has grave consequences for the environment as it aids in the destruction of eco-systems by polluting the soil and agriculture.
Benefit 2 - Going Green For Your Health
A recent study has shown that just five minutes "green" exercising (outdoor activity) can significantly increase mood and sense of well-being. Imagine going green in all directions. By replacing processed food with natural and organically grown foods, you eliminate the intake of additives and preservatives - a leading cause in health related illness. Also, avoiding chemical rich cleaning supplies (such as detergents and cleaning solutions) and replacing them with eco-friendly items will make your home a safer and more breathable environment.
Benefit 3 - Going Green to Keep Your Green
Money talks, and by going green you'll be sure to be talking back. Using items made of recycled glass, paper and plastic are always cheaper because the production is cheaper. Installing solar powered utilities, energy saving appliances and eco-friendly materials in your home, living costs (and even decorating costs) are sure to make you see green. Saving money and helping the environment is a win-win situation.
Benefit 4 - The Economy
A healthy, productive economy means a healthy, productive society. The United States has a heavy dependency on foreign oil and natural resources. By investing in green technology and developing greener manufacturing and energy techniques, The United States can be a global leader in the green industry. This new age business strategy will create economic stimulus and ultimately benefit the country, the citizens and, of course, our planet.
Benefit 5 - Peace of Mind
We're not going to live forever - it's just a fact. However, it doesn't mean that the Earth has to have an expiration date. By going green, we preserve the Earth and all it has to offer for future generations. Our children won't be too thrilled about inheriting a planet riddled with problems and a low quality of life. By changing our lifestyle now and hence, teaching the next generation the same, we can ensure a positive chain of events that will give us peace of mind.
Leading a green lifestyle has no real detriment. It ultimately improves the quality of life for all individuals and the environment. Going green shouldn't really be a question of why, but more a question of when - and the answer is now.
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