
Friday, September 24, 2010

Solar Chargers for Cell Phones

We live in a world now where we expect to be able to keep in touch at all times and you will need to know that your cell phone is charged every hour of the day. You never know when you may need it and you can guarantee that when you do it will be flat. If you enjoy camping then you will know the importance of finding some way to charge your cell phone and solar power is the best way. Solar chargers are an excellent way as they are cost nothing to run and are very easy to use.

Solar panels are fast becoming very popular and people are using them to charge many different things they not only save you money but they are great in places where there is no power. They are also very good for the environment and people feel it is their way of doing something to help with the problems there are worldwide. All solar panels no matter what the size work in the same way, they collect the sunlight and transform it into power. It does not need to be bright sunlight just simply daylight. All solar chargers are made up of panels and the more panels you have fitted the more power you will generate.

Some solar charges for your cell phone will only work on the specific cell phone it was made for although more companies are making universal ones. The universal ones have an adaptor which will fit into your cell phone, MP3, PDA any small electrical item you may have. This will make things easier if you have two or three cell phones in your house. You simply need to charge the solar charger by removing the cover and leaving in sunlight for a few hours. You can then simply plug it into your cell phone and charge it.

If you remember to keep the solar panel charged then there will never be a period when the cell phone is not charged. These solar chargers are very lightweight and are small in size so they can be carried easily at all times. So even if you have an unexpected period when you are away from a power source you will still be able to communicate with everyone and you will be confident that your cell phone will still work. Although the ideal conditions to charge your charger are very sunny ones they will work with less sun but will take longer.

Solar powered energy is becoming used more and more as people understand how it works and how easy it is to use. It is a way to offer you more freedom and be able to not rely on the electricity in your home for everything. There are many different solar panel chargers available, some for your home, boat, camping equipment and even for your car. In the future solar panels will be used more and hopefully this will cut down on the energy being used. If everyone does a little for the environment then a big thing will be achieved.

Here are some of the solar chargers for cell phones that livecofriendly offers.
If you want to read more about our solar battery chargers, check out our Squidoo Lense.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What Solar Panel To Purchase?

There are so many choices of solar panels, solar this, solar that, solar this, that and the other.  But what solar panel to purchase comes to mind?  Well, we have listed some solar panels below for your viewing, but we believe in order to pick the best solar panel, is to look at these factors:

1) How much power do you need?
2) Does the solar panel you purchase come with a warranty?
3) Do you know how much sun you have in order to justify even owning solar panels?
4) How soon will you the home owner see the payoff?
5) Are there tax credits in your state?
6) Does your neighborhood board allow solar panels on your home?

These are factors that you need to take into consideration before you just make an investment.  You can expect to do about 2-6 weeks of research.  In the list above is a good way of starting.

Here is some solar panels for your choosing:
You can always start small with solar power, but before you make any decisions to purchase, please know how much power you need, so you can save time.

For more information for green products and solar power, check out

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Do You Want Green Products?

Depending on what you want out of the Green Industry, you should know that your options are wide open. From powering electronics to natural skin care to the clothes you wear and the food you eat the options are truly endless. Currently, people from everywhere are concerned with Pollution in the Gulf to What Solar Chargers to Buy.

But let's talk about what you want out of Green Products. Do you want something that is eco friendly? Do you want something that you can get a good value? Are you buying environmentally friendly products so you can help the environment with your purchases? If you answered yes to any of these, then you are making a good decision.

If you are look for a long term value, then if you wear to get organic foods, you are providing your body with a long term healthy body. However, if you are looking for solar power, then you are headed in the direction that a majority of consumers are interested because they often need that extra charge, and they last for years.

Maybe you want some softer clothing, if that's the case Bamboo Clothing is growing in popularity. You can feel lighter, softer and cooler. Whatever your case, you are on track and should consider all of your purchases when going green.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Benefits of Green

The Benefits of Going Green

Going green is one of the best things you can do for yourself and Mother Earth. Why? Because it is a lifestyle change that benefits your health and prosperity while keeping our eco-system balanced. It's not easy to change, and often we tend to revert back to old habits without giving a second thought to our initial reasoning. Going green, however, will change that as the benefits far outweigh the means of getting there.

Benefit 1 - Going Green to Save the Planet

Going Green promotes the natural and healthy consumption of products - whether it is food or commodity - that do not destroy the Earth. By using biodegradable, organic, and locally grown items, you can significantly reduce chemical and hazardous manufacturing practices. The common usage of toxic chemicals has grave consequences for the environment as it aids in the destruction of eco-systems by polluting the soil and agriculture.

Benefit 2 - Going Green For Your Health

A recent study has shown that just five minutes "green" exercising (outdoor activity) can significantly increase mood and sense of well-being. Imagine going green in all directions. By replacing processed food with natural and organically grown foods, you eliminate the intake of additives and preservatives - a leading cause in health related illness. Also, avoiding chemical rich cleaning supplies (such as detergents and cleaning solutions) and replacing them with eco-friendly items will make your home a safer and more breathable environment.

Benefit 3 - Going Green to Keep Your Green

Money talks, and by going green you'll be sure to be talking back. Using items made of recycled glass, paper and plastic are always cheaper because the production is cheaper. Installing solar powered utilities, energy saving appliances and eco-friendly materials in your home, living costs (and even decorating costs) are sure to make you see green. Saving money and helping the environment is a win-win situation.

Benefit 4 - The Economy

A healthy, productive economy means a healthy, productive society. The United States has a heavy dependency on foreign oil and natural resources. By investing in green technology and developing greener manufacturing and energy techniques, The United States can be a global leader in the green industry. This new age business strategy will create economic stimulus and ultimately benefit the country, the citizens and, of course, our planet.

Benefit 5 - Peace of Mind

We're not going to live forever - it's just a fact. However, it doesn't mean that the Earth has to have an expiration date. By going green, we preserve the Earth and all it has to offer for future generations. Our children won't be too thrilled about inheriting a planet riddled with problems and a low quality of life. By changing our lifestyle now and hence, teaching the next generation the same, we can ensure a positive chain of events that will give us peace of mind.

Leading a green lifestyle has no real detriment. It ultimately improves the quality of life for all individuals and the environment. Going green shouldn't really be a question of why, but more a question of when - and the answer is now.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Why Green Products?

It is difficult to distinguish between hype and real thing due to the excessive media coverage and a whole lot of twisted political motives. Every day, there are new findings which tend to override the old ones or even label them as fraud. As a result, most people naturally feel that green living is nothing but hogwash. Many are of the impression that products that help in promoting the concept are nothing but a waste of time and money. Nevertheless, there are numerous reasons why people who are really interested in the concept should use green products, even though scientists are undecided about the fate of the planet and global warming.

Return on investment

The most evident benefit of using green products is that you get to reap long term savings. In a way, you always will get a return on the investment. However, as mentioned before, this return is not immediate but long term as alternative energy methods like solar power have high initial costs. However, with the passage of time, after the start up phase there are no significant costs which make them cheaper in the long run. Though you will find a number of products fitting the bill, it's important to keep a tab on products that are powered by solar like solar chargers. Solar chargers can help you to run your laptop and ipod and almost all other products. You can also look at other simple products like outdoor lighting and lanterns which are completely dependent on solar power for their functioning.

Appearances are important

Off lately, the media and all most all celebrities have been harping about going green. A green lifestyle has become the new eye catcher these days. Nevertheless, most people don't like the idea of hemp jewelry and raffia sandals as they feel that it hampers their style quotient. However, these days going green does not mean that you need to compromise on your style. There are many items like bamboo clothing which are not only extremely comfortable but look chic too. Moreover, when people admire your look, you can always tell them that not only does this clothing look good but it also is made from environmental friendly materials and is durable. This is one of the best ways to contribute to the environment in your own way.

Body protection

Needless to say, a man's health is the most important thing. These days the foods that are eaten by the modern man are coming into the spotlight. The inhumane treatment of animals and the additives and chemicals used in the food items are being increasingly frowned upon. Moreover, often it is seen that many products are produced in conditions which violate the basic human rights. It has been increasingly observed that production of coffee and other such food items not only decrease the fertility of the soil but also affect the local environment adversely. Alternate choices like organically produced food items and coffee help in enhancing the health of the individual and also help to enhancing the economy of the impacted regions.

There are many other grounds which help you to understand why green products are the best choice in today's world. Moreover, there is a lot of choice available as far as such products are concerned. Some studies have shown that using organic detergents can help in minimizing the chances of Alzheimer's since they do not have the aluminum which is found in the commercial versions. Using natural products for cleaning can help in protecting the environment and removing toxins from your surroundings. Though the cost may be higher, but green products are something which is needed by everybody to enhance their health and quality of life. Moreover, there is something for every one in this green world!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Solar Panel Battery Chargers for Camping

Camping is a great way to escape everything and have some time away enjoying the peace and quiet and the simple things in life. There are many things you will need to take on your camping trip and you will need to think about a source of power for some of your equipment. If you are taking batteries then you need to think about how you will charge them while you are away. Solar panel battery chargers are excellent for this as they are easy to use and very cost effective. You will soon discover they are an essential item to pack every time you leave the house.

Owning a solar panel in any form is a great way to save money and help the environment; they are the way to power your home and every appliance you own. The solar panel chargers work in the same way as larger panels, they collect the sunlight which is available. The panels then convert it into electricity for you to power your items. The charger is made up of solar panels and the more panels you have the more electricity you can generate.

A solar battery charger is ideal for when you are away from home either on a long journey or camping. They are great because they are smaller than normal solar panels, which make them ideal to carry around with you. Often when you are camping there is no mains electricity available and charging items such as your mobile phone can be a worry. We now go everywhere with a number of electrical items and although some may be able to use batteries others will need to be charged. Even though camping should be a relaxing time you will need essentials for emergencies and you will want to know that you can telephone someone when you need to.

Some solar panel battery chargers come fitted with batteries inside them so every time the unit is exposed to sunlight they automatically charge. This will enable you to have batteries at all times for those flash lights at night time. Other units are designed to charge internally so you can plug your equipment into them. Whichever design you choose they are ideal for camping and being outdoors, this type of solar panel battery charger is light weight and easy to use. They will give you the convenience of being able to keep in touch with the world even when you are enjoying being away from it.

Solar energy is definitely the way forward and more people are becoming aware of how easy it is to use, whether it be at home or when you are away. There is always a way to help the environment and save money and at the same time you will be doing your bit for the planet. You can combine the great outdoors with modern technology and keep everyone happy while camping. You can truly have the best of both worlds when you take your solar panel battery charger with you and you'll have no more moaning kids because their phones are dead.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Which Solar Panel Battery Charger to Buy For Campers?

When the avid camper goes out to the wilderness, the plan is to escape the world and enjoy nature. With our A frames up the ring pins in place, and the back country around us we are set for a relaxing experience. For some, a radio might help to bring the mood down while a battery operated lantern proves to be a safe way of giving us light in our tent just before we go to sleep.

What many campers find is that the batteries they bring for these items tend to wear out before the trip ends. This produces a considerable amount of waste, and since most campers are eco friendly, it is important to find a solution to the waste. One of the best that is available is the solar battery charger when combined with solar power.

During a camping expedition, around site campsite and along the trails we find constant exposure to sunlight. This powerful energy source gives us life, and warmth. But there is an untapped level of energy that is available and when used to recharge you batteries, you have the ability to keep important items like cell phone and other battery powered devices charged. While some might frown upon taking a cell phone with them, these prove vital in the event that an emergency happens.

We'll take a few moments to explore a couple of options to help determine the best solar panel battery charger for campers.

Escape Series: Scout Solar Kits

With the Escape Series: Scout Solar Kit, we find a battery charger that gives a powerful solution to the camper who doesn't have a large site to roll out several panels for charging. Take the Scout 150 kit for example. Campers won't have to worry about weather surprises with their battery charger as it is weather proof.

This unit provides campers with 3 different ways to power their important devices, and include with it is a rechargeable light that can help cast light in the night, making it easier for you to see. Best of all these kits are very lightweight. Campers are already bogged down with their packs and tents. This powerful tool will allow the camper the ability to go hiking with and not feel bogged down.

If an emergency rises such as a flash flood, or fire situation having something that can keep your phone at the very least charged proves to be essential when the need for rescue arises.

Elite Series: Sherpa Solar Kits

For some a GPS unit helps to prevent them from getting lost in the woods, while lighting and other items prove to be essential as well. Because of this, the Sherpa solar kits begin to appear to be more along the lines of survival gear instead of a luxury item.

Since most individuals investing money into these units don't want to worry about them being trampled on by the passing deer or other wildlife, these powerful kits have the ability to be hung directly from a tree or bush. With the panels directed at the sun the user will receive a powerful charge that will match as many as seventy thousand batteries.

Because you need to know how much power you are working with, the batter monitor will display exactly how much charge is available. Since no one wants to go out in the dark of night to use the outhouse without a little light, this proves to be a good way to charge your lantern.

Things to Consider When Buying a Solar Battery Kit

Of course there are other options available. Most campers won't need the extra battery power for an overnight trip, these tend to come in handier in longer trips and long backpacking expeditions when having a source of power is essential. There are some items you must take into consideration before you buy any unit.

  • How much daily power will you need available? Each unit offers a different output of power.
  • How long will it take to recharge?
  • Is the batter kit you are looking at weather proof?
  • Can your kit deliver results in partial sunlight?
  • Are there enough connector options for your needs?
  • Is it compact and lightweight?
  • Is there a certification attached to the product?

From emergency kits, to powering a lantern at night, the solar panel battery charger proves to be an essential tool for the camper. They will keep everything you need to keep you safe and comfortable fully charged as you enjoy your time with nature.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Solar Panel Battery Chargers For the Average Joe

If you are just an average Joe that is on the go a lot, you may need a reliable way to keep your electronic devices running and charged. Many average people these days are looking for ways to not only save money but also helping the environment. Most know that there should be an alternative solution to having to buy batteries that are not good for the planet.

Luckily, there are many products that use alternative power sources to charge up all of your electronic devices, most of them using environmentally friendly solar power. There are items small enough to hook on your day pack, and charge up your MP3 player, I-Pod, and other small electronics. There are solar chargers for your I-Phones, that connect directly to them.

There are many folding solar panels, hand held panels, and other solar battery chargers to choose from. One perfect example is the Suntrica Solar Badge. This handy solar battery charger is actually pretty cool for the average person, and easy to use. It has an internal 3.7 watt hour internal battery, the panel housing is flexible and splash proof. At just 144x105x11 millimeters with Velcro strips, it can be applied just about anywhere, your shirt, a hat, or a back pack. It has a highly efficient charging capacity, and can charge more that one device, from just this unit.

It will charge mobile phones, GPS devices, MP3 players, and much more, in just 8-10 hours of sun light. You get a USB port, as well as a main connector. It is super lightweight, and is wearable, and you get this all for just $128.32. Another factor about this charger is that it will even work indoors.

Another nice product that is easy for anyone to use is the Solstice 2.5. This is one tough power supply for anyone who is going to be away for a few days, on a camping trip or to the beach, or any other outdoor activity. The solar panels can power devices from 4.5-9Volts, and has a variety of different adapter tips included. It can act as an emergency charger, or can be a power pack that works for products like Blackberry, LG, Motorala, Sony PSP and even Gameboy. This unit sells for just $89.95.

Another unique battery charger is the K3 Wind and Solar Charger-Kenesis K3. This is actually three charging devices in on convenient package. You can use it to charge up just about any 5watt and under electronic device. It has an internal battery, which can charge your items, as well as a small solar panel, and even has a wind turbine built into the top of it. You can position it to track the sun's rays, and put it in the cup holder of your car, to let the air conditioner fan spin the turbine.

It has a convenient clip on the bottom to clip it to various positions on your backpack, or suspended from a tree, and all the adapters fit in its built in storage compartment. It even comes with a convenient draw string carry bag. You can purchase this handy and unique device for just $89.95.

These are just some of the many Eco-Friendly products that are available for a hundred dollars or less. You can find all of these portable solar chargers at